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Culture Museums Archaeological Eastern Macedonia and Thrace Prefecture of Rodopi Municipality of Komotini

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Komotini Archaeological Museum

Aikaterinh Balla
Source: C.E.T.I.
© Region of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace
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The construction of the building, which was designed by Aris Kosntantinidis, was completed in 1976. Since then, it houses the Komotini Archaeological Museum and the 19th Ephorate of Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities. The museum’s collection includes finds from the wider region of Thrace, dating from the Prehistoric to the Byzantine times. The exhibition is arranged in topographic and chronological order. Rich supervisory material including maps, pictures and texts provides visitors with information about the exhibition.

The most noteworthy Thracian treasures kept in the museum are the following: a) a 1st century BC relief representation of a Thracian equestrian with a spear in his right hand from the village of Galini; b) a Clazomenian type sarcophagus with black-figure representations and vegetal patterns from Abdera (500 BC); c) golden jewellery found in a cist grave at the same area; d) an earthenware mask of Dionysus from the sanctuary of Dionysus at Maroneia depicting the bearded god with a wreath of leaves and fruits on his head; e) the peplos kore from Strymi; f) the impressive golden bust of Marcus Aurelius or Septimius Severus from Plotinopolis; g) two big storage vessels from the Neolithic tumulus, or toumba, at Paradimi; h) the treasure of votive gifts from the sanctuary of Demeter at Mesembria-Zone. There is also an important funerary stele (500 BC) carved on both sides, depicting a dead man on the obverse and the servant with his dog on the reverse. The upper part of this stele is exhibited in the National Archaeological Museum. Another interesting funerary stele originating from Xylagani (450–400 BC) depicts a dead man standing, dressed in short chiton and chlamys, and leaving the world of the living.

Tombstones, capitals, a marble sarcophagus and a funerary monument from Strymi are placed together in the Museum’s courtyard.