Kutuklu Baba Tekkesi
Date - Timespan: 15th century - 16th century, Byzantine era, Ottoman era

The monument is located in the middle of a cultivable area on the west coast of the Vistonida lake in Xanthi, Greece. It is considered as one of the most important Ottoman monuments in the area and it may have been built in the late 15th century. It was possibly built on the ruins of an Orthodox Christian temple that was dedicated to Saint George Kalamitziotis. According to Heath W. Lowry the term tekke (gathering place for Dervishe) is erroneous as the monument is a tomb (turbe). Several conjectures have been made about the person buried in the monument. Today, for the Muslims it is considered as the grave of a Whirling Dervishe named Kioutouklou Baba, while for the Christians it is a worshiping place of Saint George.It is composed by an octagonal turbe (mausoleum) and an arched antechamber. The turbe has an arched roof and two windows (east and south) and it is made of stone with hacked tiles.The current conservation status of the monument is very good. This is a result of the recent maintenance and restoration.

Dimensions(Height, Width, Depth):10.62m,8.48m,13.42m (bounding box)
Materials: pantile,stone
Keywords: Funerary site,burial vault, octagonal temple,architecture,Ottoman
 The monument was selected to be 3D digitised within the framework of the EU funded 3D-ICONS project. It's exterior was captured in 3D using different methodologies. A complete exterior digitisation of the monument was carried out in order to assess the Structure-From-Motion (SFM) and Dense Multi-View 3D Reconstruction (DMVR) method’s applicability. We evaluated the quality of the resulted 3D mesh by comparing it against the data captured by a Time-of-Flight (TOF) 3D range scanner, a total station and a set of empirical measurements. In this work, we considered Agisoft PhotoScan as an all-to-one software solution for the production of digital 3D replicas of monuments. We evaluated the application of the method in order to create a complete exterior 3D model of a monument using both terrestrial and aerial photography. We compared the 3D mesh produced against the data we captured from the same monument using other methods such as terrestrial 3D laser scanning, total station surveying and empirical measurements using Meshlab and CloudCompare open source software. The produced data clearly indicated that a SFM-DMVR software can also provide high quality results. But as it is an image based technique, the produced data are highly correlated and depended on the unavoidable procedure of identifying corresponding points between images.

Low Resolution Model: 62K Facets - Image Texture Size:1024^2
Medium Resolution Model: 124K Facets - Image Texture Size:4096^2
High Resolution Model: 250K Facets - Image Texture Size:8192^2
Resolution: ~13mm (between consecutive points distance in raw data model)

For higher resolution versions of the digital replica (raw data) please contact Dr. Anestis Koutsoudis at akoutsou at ceti dot gr.

Copyright 2014 Athena Research Centre. All rights reserved. The 3D ICONS project is funded by the European Commissions ICT Policy Support Programme.
For technical enquiries and additional information related to the 3D-ICONS project or the 3D data displayed in this page please contact Dr. Anestis Koutsoudis at akoutsou at ceti dot gr.