St. Paraskevi chapel (Basilica’s baptistery)- Church of Panagia Acheiropiitos Date - Timespan: 450 - 475 (Early Byzantine Era 324 - 610 AD)
To the east of the south porch and appended to it and the church, there is today a chapel dedicated to St. Paraskevi. At first, scholars identified it as the basilica’s baptistery,
while more recent studies identify it as the church’s diaconicon. Originally it must have had mosaic ornamentation to a great extent, as a preserved fragment indicates.
Dimensions(Height, Width, Depth): 12.49m,9.5m,17.8m (bounding box) Materials:pantile, stone, brick Keywords:Churches, Monasteries, Monastery, Katholika, Late Byzantine, Oriental Orthodox,Christianity,Orthodox Church
The part of the monument was selected to be 3D digitised within the framework of the European Commission funded 3D-ICONS project by the Athena RC Xanthi's Division. It was captured in 3D using the Structure-From-Motion (SFM)
and Dense Multi-View 3D Reconstruction (DMVR) methods. Terrestrial photoshooting sessions were performed during the winter of 2014 during a cloudy day. The terrestrial
photoshooting session was implemented using camera tripods. A Samsung NX1000 20MP compact DSLR camera with a 20-50mm lens was used. Agisoft PhotoScan (ver. 1.1) has been used for the
production of tombstone 3D digital replica. The processing of the image sequences was performed on two computer systems
(CPU IntelCoreI74820K 3.7Ghz, 64GB RAM, Radeon R9 290X,Microsoft Windows 7 64-bit).
Additionally, empirical measurements between strong (in terms of visibility) feature points on the surface of the tombstone were performed and used to scale the 3D model.
Low Resolution Model: 50K Facets - Image Texture Size:2048^2 Medium Resolution Model: 131K Facets - Image Texture Size:4096^2 High Resolution Model: 560K Facets - Image Texture Size:8192^2 Resolution: ~3cm (between consecutive points distance in raw data model)
For higher resolution versions of the digital replica (raw data) please contact Dr. Anestis Koutsoudis at akoutsou at ceti dot gr.
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Copyright 2014 Athena Research Centre. All rights reserved. The 3D ICONS project is funded by the European Commissions ICT Policy Support Programme.
For technical enquiries and additional information related to the 3D-ICONS project or the 3D data displayed in this page please contact Dr. Anestis Koutsoudis at akoutsou at ceti dot gr.