The west entrance of the Rotunda in Thessaloniki, Ελλάδα. The gate has relief decoration with an ottoman inscription on the lintel, from the conversion of the building into a mosque during the 16th century. Above the lintel there are an icon of St. George fitted in the wall and the date 1912, year of the liberation of the city.
The monument was selected to be 3D digitised within the framework of the European Commission funded 3D-ICONS project by the Athena RC Xanthi's Division. It's exterior was captured in 3D using the Structure-From-Motion (SFM)
and Dense Multi-View 3D Reconstruction (DMVR) methods. Aerial and terrestrial photoshooting sessions were performed during the winter of 2014 always during cloudy days. A total of four digitisation
sessions were performed where each resulted a number of image sequences presenting the monument from different points of views. The terrestrial photoshooting sessions were implemented using camera tripods
and custom monopods (3m-9m adaptive). All aerial photoshooting was performed using a custom hexacopter equipped with gimbal remote controlled two axis tilt-roll camera base, first-person view (FPV) and GPS.
A pair of Samsung NX1000 20MP compact DSLR cameras with fixed 16mm and 20-50mm lenses were used. Agisoft PhotoScan (ver. 1.1) has been used for the production of monument's 3D digital replica. Although, flight paths were designed they
have been performed manually due to bad GPS reception (high buildings around the monument). Furthermore, the calibration of the cameras was performed by the software itself. The processing of the image sequences was performed on two computer systems (CPU IntelCoreI74820K 3.7Ghz, 64GB RAM, Radeon R9 290X,
Microsoft Windows 7 64-bit).
Additionally, empirical measurements between strong (in terms of visibility) feature points on the surface of the monument were performed and used to scale the 3D model.
Χαμηλής ανάλυσης μοντέλο: 75K πολύγωνα - Μέγεθος εικόνας υφής:1024^2 Mεσαίας ανάλυσης μοντέλο: 250K Facets - Μέγεθος εικόνας υφής:4096^2 Yψηλής ανάλυσης μοντέλο: 1M Facets - Μέγεθος εικόνας υφής:8192^2 Ανάλυση: ~3cm (ανάμεσα σε γειτονικές κορυφές - πλήρη δεδομένα)
Για τα μοντέλα πλήρης ανάλυσης επικοινωνήστε με τον Δρ. Ανέστη Κουτσούδη στο akoutsou at ceti dot gr.
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Πνευματική Ιδιοκτησία Ερευνητικό Κέντρο Αθηνά. Όλα τα δικαιώματα διατηρούνται. Το έργο 3D ICONS χρηματοδοτείται από την Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση
Πρόγραμμα υποστήριξης της πολιτικής για τις ΤΠΕ. Για τεχνικές ερωτήσεις και επιπρόσθετες πληροφορίες που σχετίζονται με το έργο 3D -ICONS ή τα 3D δεδομένα που εμφανίζονται σε αυτήν την σελίδα , παρακαλούμε επικοινωνήστε με τον Δρ Ανέστη Κουτσούδη στο akoutsou at IPET dot gr